To be eligible for our services, you must be a Minnesota resident with income at 300% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or receive/participate in the following services and programs.
- MFIP – Minnesota Family Investment Program
- GA – General Assistance
- SNAP – Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Section 8
- NAPS – Nutritional Assistance Program for Seniors
- WIC – Women, Infants, and Children
- Free and reduced breakfast and lunch
- Child Care Assistance
- Head Start
- Section 8
- Public Housing
- Energy Assistance
- Weatherization
Weekly Family Income Eligibility (300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines)
One family member $0 – $798
Two $799 – $1,078
Three $1,079 – $1,358
Four $1,359 – 1,638
Five $1,639 – 1,918
Six $1,919 – 2,198
Seven $2,199 – 2,478
Eight $2,479 – 2,758
Add $93 of allowable income per week for each additional family member
(Eligibility is also granted for anyone in a situation of emergency or distress due to disasters.)
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